and Terahertz Optoelectronics in 2D Materials
报 告 人:Prof. Wang
2D materials have attracted significant
attention in the past few years for photonic applications owing to its
promising optical properties. In this talk, I am going to present our research
research in applying 2D materials for applications in the mid-infrared and
Terahertz regimes, such as photodetectors, modulators and plasmonics. In
particular, I will show the first demonstration of broadband graphene
nanoribbon photodetectors that covers from the visible to the mid-infrared with
a high responsivity; Terahertz broadband graphene modulator with a 100%
modulation depth and a high speed; and low damping rate graphene and
topological insulator plasmons.
Prof. WANG Qijie received the B.E. degree in
electrical engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China
(USTC), Hefei China, in 2001 graduating one year in advance; and the Ph.D
degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, in 2005, with NTU and Singapore Millennium Foundation
(SMF) scholarship. After completing his Ph.D, he joined School of Engineering
and Applied Science, Harvard University. In October 2009, he was assigned as a
joint Nanyang Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering (EEE) and the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS).
Since Feb. 2015, he has been promoted to tenured associate professor in school
of EEE and SPMS, NTU.
Prof. Wang has published/co-published more than 140 papers (including 9 invited
papers) in top international journals (like Nature Photonics, Nature Materials,
and Nature Communications), more than 100 conference papers (including numerous
invited talks) and co-authored 10 U.S. patents. He was the recipient of the top
prize for the Young Inventor Awards of the SPIE Photonics Europe Innovation
Village in 2004; a golden award from the Fifth Young Inventor’s Awards in 2005
organized by HP and Wall Street Journal; and the co-recipient of the IES
(Institution of Engineers Singapore) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Team
Award of Singapore twice in 2005 and 2017, respectively, 30th World Culture
Special Recognition Award 2013, the prestigious Singapore Young Scientist Award
2014, and Nanyang Research Award 2015 (Young Investigator).